
Moving with Kids

fatherandsonplayingsoccerMoving can be very challenging and stressful for you. Just remember, it can also be very stressful for your children, regardless of their ages.

The following suggestions hopefully will assist you in making the transition a little easier for them.

Preparing for the move

  1. Advise them as soon as possible about the move.
  2. Allow them to express their feelings and concerns and share with them your feelings.
  3. If possible, allow them to help with decision making concerning the new home search.
  4. Assist them in making a scrap book with pictures of their friends and the community.
  5. If they can’t visit the new home, prior to the move, take pictures of the new home, schools and activities available.

During the move

  1. Involve them in packing.
  2. Try to stick to your normal routine as much as possible.
  3. Allow them to carry a special item along on the trip instead of packing it.
  4. If you’re traveling for a long distance be sure to take activities for them during the trip.
  5. If possible, plan a moving party and invite their friends and family.

At the new home

  1. Unpack only the essentials and spend time with them. Go out to eat, go to the park or meet your neighbor.
  2. Ask them to assist you in setting up the new home.
  3. Arrange a visit to the new school and visit with the teacher before they attend the first day.
  4. Get involved in a church, organizations and activity clubs as soon as possible after the move.

Remember that your child will have an adjustment period. Normally it takes a little longer for teens to adjust than younger children. If you feel your child is not adjusting, you may want to consider counseling for them.

Continue to communicate with your children, listen to them and involve them as much as possible with decisions.

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