Best In Show!

Best In Show!

We are happy to announce that Bernice Entrekin is the very first winner of our soon-to-be-coveted TOP DOG AWARD! What exactly is a Top Dog Award? Well, I’ll tell you all about it.

 Listing your house with Coldwell Banker Spinks Brown Durand Realtors adds your home to the list of houses ready to be toured by local agents in all the area offices, through the Troup County Board of Realtors. It’s called a Caravan, and it happens every Tuesday.

Top Dog 002

 When your house is a CBSBD listing on Caravan, our agents assess the property; taking into consideration several factors: location, price, landscaping, the exterior of your home – the paint and siding plus things like curb appeal, landscaping, and roof and gutter condition – and interior factors, including flooring, appliances, cabinetry and storage, room size, interior paint & trim and more.   All the listings are rated, and at the end of each month, the listing rated highest by our agents receives the TOP DOG AWARD, a rider featuring Rover, the Coldwell Banker Retriever.

(Get it? Grover hands over the Rover? I’ll be here all week.)

Rover  will remain on the winning listing for the next month!

 So congratulations Bernice! You (and your sellers) have won the first ever ROVER, the April Top Dog Award for your listing at 156 Taylor Len Drive!

 Want to see more of this Top Dog listing? Click here!

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Coldwell Banker Spinks Brown Durand