Roy Spinks, Roving Weather Reporter.
Today this little gem appeared in my Outlook inbox: “A little water is a sea to an ant.”
It’s not just the ants, buddy.
Right now I am looking out the window at a beautiful blue sky. Fall has always been my favorite time of year, and there is something about the light in late September that just makes the same blue sky we have in spring, summer and winter seem prettier than usual.
This has not been the case lately.
All last week it rained. And it stormed. And it poured. It rained until I thought the weather forecasters were going to run out of clichés to use in their broadcasts. It was raining cats and dogs! It was a good day for ducks! If it were any wetter we would have had to build an ark! Ta-da!
Although we have not been hit nearly as hard as those in Atlanta and North Georgia, West Point Lake is far above pool level. Our office had scheduled an employee cruise on a houseboat belonging to one of our owners, but it has been postponed due to the docks at the marina being under water. We’re still under a flood watch until Friday according to my handy Weather Channel toolbar.
Now that the rain has subsided, Roy has taken to the skies to provide you with up-to-the-minute photo coverage of the floodwaters in Troup and Heard Counties in Georgia and Chambers County in the great state of Alabama. Check it out: