Why Choose Coldwell Banker Spinks Brown Durand?
Recently, on Coldwellbanker.com, an article stated that Coldwell Banker branded websites have the highest number of unique visitors among all national real estate franchise brands in 2011.
At Coldwell Banker Spinks Brown Durand, we take special strides to optimize your listing’s web exposure. In today’s technologically-fascinated world, we know most home searches begin on the internet. You can have the utmost confidence that your property will reach more buyers than placing an ad in the newspaper as was done back in the day. With greater exposure comes increased chances of a quicker sale.
Whether you are buying or selling, take a quick look at our Visual Tour listings to see one of the ways our agents showcase homes.
Take a look at the article from www.coldwellbanker.com to see the effectiveness of going with a CB branded company!
PARSIPPANY, N.J. (Jan. 26, 2012)– According to Nielsen and comScore Media Metrix, the two global leaders in digital measurement, Coldwell Banker branded websites had the highest number of unique visitors among all national real estate franchise brands for full-year 2011. This marks the second consecutive year that the Coldwell Banker brand ranked No. 1 in Web traffic among all real estate franchisors.
“The Coldwell Banker brand is clearly top of mind when consumers go online and search for a home,” said Michael Fischer, chief marketing officer, Coldwell Banker Real Estate LLC. “Consumers know our great brand and have shown a desire to utilize the suite of online tools seen throughout the Coldwell Banker network at the national and local levels.”
According to Nielson, Coldwell Banker websites had 17.5 million unique visitors in 2011, which was more than 28 percent higher than the next nearest franchise brand competitor (13.7 million). Similarly, Coldwell Banker branded websites (26.1 million unique visitors) had the highest Web traffic ranking among real estate franchisors in the comScore Media Metrix full-year ranking for 2011, easily outpacing its next nearest competitor by 21 percent (21.6 million unique visitors).
The Coldwell Banker brand continues to place an emphasis on developing its website into a hub for consumers to find and prepare for the home buying and selling process. Recent additions include the lifestyle search page and first time home buyer resource center.
Coldwell Banker Real Estate LLC accessed the aforementioned information through its subscription to both Nielson and comScore Media Metrix. The rankings encompass all consumer Web traffic (unique visitors) to national and local websites operated by the franchise brands as well as by their franchisees.